StarDawg – The CBD Center
It’s a StarDawg kind of day. Some of @thecbdcenter finest herb to had an always top quality and excellent service Grab yours now.
Some StarDawg from the cbd center is such a sweet smelling bud of goodness Over all I’m impressed the third one I’ve tried from the cbd center and these guys are picking the right stuff to sell
*** looks and smell***
well what a great looking bud some lovely pale greens and some very light almost cream patches. Smells great out the packet. You get that sweet earthy smell on the back end not over powering but smells great with nice solid bud. Has lovely mixed greens colours with a nice shine to it and covered in trichomes,
This is a strong hitter for me an has a nice feeling that lasts a while. Feel very relaxed yet still able to get on with things. Defo a uplifting kind of feel to it and put a bit smile on my face
***Flavour ***
Flavour is very nice. Fresh with that earthy taste with a sweet skunky undertone, it’s a smooth vape for me an very morish
I’m sure you won’t be disappointed at all. Well done the cbd center on bringing this great looking and tasting bud to market. One of my favourites so far for sure